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Ton Tun Corporation

  • JoomlaWorks AJAX Header Rotator
  • JoomlaWorks AJAX Header Rotator
  • JoomlaWorks AJAX Header Rotator
  • JoomlaWorks AJAX Header Rotator
  • JoomlaWorks AJAX Header Rotator
  • JoomlaWorks AJAX Header Rotator
  • JoomlaWorks AJAX Header Rotator



The model is used for the inspection of light textile tapes by a human operator and mainly used for satin ribbons, decorative ribbons, lace, and undergarment elastic. If a flaw is found, the machine instantly stops and reverses the tape. Gentle lighting protects the inspector's eyes and the inspection area is a comfortable size and height for the operator. If any small bit of metal is found, the metal detector alarm will sound to inform the operator.


br804 diagram

Machine specification



Machine power:









Machine composed with:

1.Machine frame and variable speed motor 1HP

2.Measuring motion and counter device

3.Reversal wheel tape-loosen device

4.Inspection table design suit human body

5.Reversal device

6.Hight speed tape inlet

7.Metal detector