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Ton Tun Corporation

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  • JoomlaWorks AJAX Header Rotator
  • JoomlaWorks AJAX Header Rotator
  • JoomlaWorks AJAX Header Rotator
  • JoomlaWorks AJAX Header Rotator
  • JoomlaWorks AJAX Header Rotator
 RT Starching and Finishing Series

Calender Machine

Tape Starching and Finishing Machine
Tape Starching and Finishing Machine

Tape Starching and Finishing Machine


Tape Starching and Finishing Machine


Fasten Tape Finishing Machine

Our RT machines are designed to handle a wide range of tape starching and finishing projects. Depending on the model tapes can be steamed, starched, infrared pre-dried, finished, and reel wound. At the customers option manual or automatic tension control can be used ensuring smooth tapes with balanced colors. Multiple speeds, automatic temperature control, and a wide range of heating fuel options are all available in this line. This series can handle a diverse range of production and save cost and labor on nearly any project.